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Namaha Devi Issue #3

>>  Sunday 18 December 2011

Rahul has followed Iyam to a meeting at the docks with Amara Gaelle. She tells Iyam of Lord Bala's contracting of Kratha to kill Tara before she becomes the Devi. Angered by this and by Amara's statement that possibly Iyam was becoming too attached to Tara to kill her, he begin begins to attack her, but is interrupted when his guards return having found Rahul. Iyam leaves Rahul for Amara to deal with and leaves to go kill Tara himself.
Elsewhere on the the a rooftop overlooking the Durapasya that have kidnapped Tara. Kratha is confronted by a man asking why she has forsaken her duty as an Aspara for that of an assassin for hire and is now working to kill that which she is to protect. A battle ensues and Kratha lands a blow as the man teleports away.
In soma-induced trance Tara meets here otherselves: versions of herself from the past, future, and from what might have been. After being told goodbye and good luck. Isana, the first Devi, appears and explains what is happening and why, and that despite Tara's protests she must proceed and takes her to be blessed by the Gods.
Iyam the erupts from Tara's cell phone amidst the crowd of Durapasya and states that he will kill them all.


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